How Do Solar Panels Work for Your Home?

Rethink Electric has been installing home solar systems throughout the Chicago area since 2014. How do home solar panels work? These systems harness the power of the sun and convert the suns renewable energy into electricity you can use in your home.  There are four main primary components in each residential solar system, 1/2 of which are already in your house. Here is how residential solar works:

How do solar panels work for your home? - Rethink Electric
Graphic of Solar Panels - Rethink Electric

1 | Solar Panels

The photovoltaic panels on your roof convert the sun’s solar energy into DC electricity.

Graphic of a Solar Inverter - Rethink Electric

2 | Inverters

Inverters convert the newly generated DC electricity generated from your panels into the AC electricity used throughout your home and the electricity grid.

Breaker Panels Graphic - Rethink Electric

3 | Breaker Panels

Otherwise known as ‘fuseboxes’ – This is where you solar system connects to the system you already have at your house.

Utility Meter Graphic - Rethink Electric

4 | Utility Meter

Your utility meter measures the net amount of energy utilization from the grid.

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Our Process

Free Home Solar Quote from Rethink Electric

Step 1 | Free Quote

Allow Rethink Electric to determine your home’s solar potential. We can model & provide a complete and comprehensive solar system design. One that will outline a broad picture of your potential energy savings. We will also outline all of the incentives offered in your state as well as federally. If you are unsure if your home can support solar our comprehensive site assessment will determine this.

Home Solar Panel Installation Icon

Step 2 | Solar Installation

We will send out one of our residential solar site assessment specialists to your home as soon as it is convenient for you. Once we come to an agreement on the final site design – your panels & components will be ordered & we will schedule your home solar installation date. Upon installation completion, we will connect your new system with your local utility to begin producing energy.

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Step 3 | Rebates & Free Energy

You are now producing renewable & clean energy! Your new system will save you money & produce environmentally friendly solar energy for decades to come. Your 1st monthly statement will immediately begin adding your up cost savings. Rethink Electric will complete all of the incentive applications (for rebates) in your area, as well as help you maneuver around the federal tax credits.

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